• You are hiring Peter B Mason Professional Corporation to represent you in real estate transactions, sale, purchases, and/or refinances, which begins upon acceptance and ends upon title transfer.
• Note: If title insurance is required an additional $199.00 will apply A charge of $595.00 may apply for issues related to: refinance payouts, RPR and compliance, holdbacks, out-of-province transactions, bridge loans, revised mortgage instructions, separate appointments, holding funds in trust, power of attorney, court orders, caveats, non-permitted registrations, landscaping, rush condo registration, tenancy at will, sale and purchase contract deficiencies, private transactions, contract preparation, dower consent/release, encroachment agreements, and mortgage amending agreements. You agree that the scope of this representation is limited to the services listed above. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this agreement, this representation is terminated when the services listed in this document have been completed, and you will not expect any further assistance to be performed, including document drafting, giving legal advice, or court appearances, unless you sign a new fee agreement with this firm. Unless the opposing party or attorney knows of this firm’s representation, you are unrepresented; you will be expected to communicate with the opposing party or attorney as though you do not have a lawyer representing you. All charges above are subject to applicable GST. Thank you for your inquiry, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@pbmlaw.ca or call us at 780-809-3906. We look forward to working with you.
• For condo sales, our office must order an estoppel certificate. This cost is additional and depends on the charges imposed by the management company.
• For condo sales, you must provide our office with a current information statement and corporate condo insurance.
• Any estimated unused disbursements will be refunded to the client at the time of the final report.
• If title insurance is required, an additional fee of $199.00 will apply.
• A fee of $275.00 will be charged for each additional appointment, if needed.
• You agree that the scope of this representation is limited to the services listed above. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this agreement, this representation terminates upon the completion of the services outlined in this document. You should not expect further assistance, including document drafting, legal advice, or court appearances, unless you sign a new fee agreement with this firm. If the opposing party or attorney is unaware of this firm's representation, you are considered unrepresented and expected to communicate with them as if you do not have legal representation.